Friday, August 13, 2010


I've been back from a twenty four hour retreat for 5 hours and it seems like it was a week ago.

It was a great retreat -- a working retreat but still very good. "God things" were happening with the five of us who went to Tall Oaks and discussed how God was moving in our midst. We asked ourselves "Why did God call us together? Why now? We asked for vision and wisdom. We prayed, we worshiped, we prayed and we were bold enough to believe that God may just have given us a huge vision. We even paid for a domain name for something that might never come to be. We're going to continue to have the vision confirmed and refined and then we'll lay it out for the world. But first we're laying out our fleece for God. A sign... something that helps us to KNOW we're headed in the right direction.

We could easily ignore this; in fact our lives would be much easier if we did. There's nothing really in it for us except work and struggle, probably heartache and derision to boot. But there is so much potential for great things to happen too, great things that WE might not even see come completely to reality. So if we really do follow this vision and it all comes to pass, it's truly going to be a "God thing."

I've got to find some time in the next 48 hours to pray about all of this deeply. If there's anyone reading this, I ask that you would pray too. Whatever the sign might be, I hope it's a clear YES or NO. But God rarely works that way, so we'll probably continue to live in ambiguity for a long time. Perhaps assuredness of ones path only happens in hind sight.

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