Friday, August 6, 2010

Two days in a row

I think the secret to life is doing something for the second time. Of course if it's a really good habit, it needs to happen a lot more than twice. But NOTHING becomes a habit if you do it once.

So today I did one thing a second time ... second consecutive day that is. I'm posting to my blog. I really enjoy taking the time to write down my thoughts and the little exhibitionist in me (she has lived with me for a very long time) loves thinking that someone else might actually read it and that it will lead to something in their lives becoming just a little bit better because of it. Doesn't even have to relate to what I wrote. I find that many times I read other people's writings and get sent off on a tangent that makes a difference to me.

So today I'm trying to establish this new habit. Nothing too profound to say right now. Except that doing something twice means I'm much more likely to do it a third time.

As proof of that I went to my aqua aerobics class this morning. I've been doing some sort of exercise at least 3 times a week (most weeks that is) for almost a year now. It's because I went the second time a year ago. I'm still striving to do something physical six days out of seven.This week it's been 5 out of 5. If I go tomorrow (which is the plan) I will have made it to that goal for the first time this year.

But I had to go the second time to make it happen.

So ---- maybe I will become a blog giant by this time next year!


Me and my little exhibitionist

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